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12 circles from shoulder to side for 15 reps. Add a couple of sets of these circle raises after
you have completed your heavier shoulder work. Man! These babies will have you sprouting "cuts"
every which way throughout your delts!
Straight Arm Barbell Pullovers:
Up until the 1970s, there wasn't a bodybuilding routine that didn't include this movement. Today,
it's all but extinct. Nevertheless, the straight arm pullover is an outstanding upper body
exercise that tightens the entire torso, including the abs! It also increases "lung power" if done
Lie down on a flat bench and keep your feet on the bench to prevent arching of the back.
Hold the weight at arm's length above your upper chest. Take a shoulder-width grip and keeping
your arms stiff and straight throughout, slowly lower the bar behind you and simultaneously inhale
deeply. Do not inhale in one gulp, but in a steady stream. Spread your ribs as much as possible.
Lower your arms until they are parallel or only slightly below parallel with the floor. Do not go
down as deep as possible. At the safe bottom position, take an extra breath of air. Briefly pause
and then return your arms to their starting position as you exhale. Repeat.
Power Rack Iso-Presses:
This is a combination of isotonic and isometric exercise that is terrific for building strength at
the weakest portion of a particular movement. For example, let's say your bench press is weak
because you have trouble generating power at the lower portion of the movement. In that case, you
would place a bench in the power-rack and put the pins a few inches above your chest.
Place a loaded barbell on top of the pins and place another set of pins (or a suitable substitute)
a few inches above that.
Now, within that short range of motion, press the bar into the top pins and continue to push! When
fatigued, lower the bar onto the bottom rack -- rest for 10 seconds and repeat.
This is a killer move that doesn't look like much but will help you break through those nagging
sticking points. This can be done with overhead presses, curls, shrugs...almost anything! Try mid-
range squats in this manner and you may wind up needing crutches after a couple of sets! But your
legs will soon be more dense than ever.
The Swingbell:
This peculiar movement is one you'll see in many an archival film from the early days of
gymnasiums and health spas. It's also great for lower back definition, taunt oblique muscles and
it adds flexibility to the hip flexors.
Hold a light dumbell with both hands directly overhead.
In a big, smooth, sweeping motion, bend at the waist and swing the torso in a complete circle when
continuing to hold the bell directly over your head. Yeow! Talk about tough! Expect to be
breathing heavily after a set of these.
Original Hack Squats:
Ooh, you're not going to like this one. Be that as it may, this is a remarkable movement for
building mass onto the quadriceps.
The motion is the precursor to the hack machine, only this time, there's no machine. You do the
squats while holding a barbell with your arms at your sides, palms behind you, holding a barbell
behind your back! Needless to same this is a very restricted movement but one that will make
regular squatting seem like a pleasure. Another variation is to hold a barbell between your legs
(one arm in front of you, the other in back). Don't try to lock out on this one since the bar will
get precariously close to the "jewels."
Believe it or not, these movements were commonplace at one time back when bodybuilders weren't
afraid of a little pain. Barbell Hacks were also responsible for some pretty impressive thigh
development prior to the advent of steroids. Can you handle it?
Spring Chest Expanders:
Almost everyone has used or at least seen a set of these clumsy contraptions. What's ironic about
chest expanders is that the basic movements don't really work the chest! However, these archaic
devices are an excellent adjunct to regular training. They can be used at spare moments at home in
a variety of angles to tighten up the triceps and delts. When expanded overhead and out to the
sides, they hit the lats in a way that's unlike any machine, weight movement or lat pulldown. You
can still find them at most sporting good stores for less than $10.00.
Try incorporating these movements into your weekly routine and you'll start seeing major muscle
growth in a hurry. They may be from a bygone era, but as far as your muscles are concerned,
they're a brand new form of stimulation.
They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Maybe so. But when it comes to building muscle, it
seems the old dogs had a few tricks of their own.
How It All Began
We all have a heritage. Our nationalities, our occupations and even our hobbies have their
history. Where we've come from is a part of who we are. Pride is a part of it as well. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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