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We said that the strategic weapons were a guaran- And suddenly came the report of the Ameri- 3 November 1962 tee of firmness for our defense. We did not can [news] agency UPI that the Soviet premier ... classify the arms as defensive and offensive, has given orders to Soviet personnel to dismantle Unfortunately, A.I. Mikoyan said, some dif- insofar as everything depends on the objectives missile launchers and return them to the USSR. ferences of opinion have arisen between the lead- for which they are used... [Ellipsis in original.] Our people could not believe that report. It ership of the Republic of Cuba and our leader- Speaking of psychological questions, we caused deep confusion. People didn t understand ship. Ambassador Alekseev has informed us would like to underline that the Cuban people did the way that the issue was structured the possi- about these differences, and about the speech by understand us. They understood that we had bility of removing missile armaments from Cuba Fidel Castro on 1 November 1962, in which the received Soviet weapons, that Cuban defense if the USA liquidated its bases in Turkey. latter explained to the Cuban people the position capacities had increased immeasurably. Thus, I was saying, Fidel Castro continued, that in of the revolutionary government. when Kennedy attempted to frighten us, the Cu- the post-revolutionary years we have carried out The CC CPSU, Mikoyan emphasized, had ban people reacted very resolutely, very patrioti- much ideological work to prepare people for sent me to Cuba to discuss in the most frank way cally. It is hard to imagine the enthusiasm, the understanding socialist ideas, marxist ideas. These all the unclear questions with the Cuban com- belief in victory with which the Cubans voluntar- ideas today are deeply rooted. Our people admire rades. Judging by the welcome at the airport, the ily enlisted themselves into the army. The people the policies of the Soviet government, learn from Cuban leaders consider this a useful meeting. I sensed enormous forces inside themselves. Aware the Soviet people to whom they are deeply thank- came here to speak to you sincerely and openly. of the real solidarity of the Soviet government ful for invaluable help and support. But at that And now it seems to me that it would be useful if and people, Cubans psychologically felt them- difficult moment our people felt as if they had lost you, comrade Fidel Castro, tell me frankly what selves to be strong. The Soviet Union s solidarity their way. Reports on 28 October that N.S. the questions are that worry you. Only by speak- found its material embodiment, became the ban- Khrushchev had given orders to dismantle mis- ing frankly is it possible to assure complete con- ner around which the forces and courage of our sile launchers, that such instructions had been fidence and mutual understanding. As we agreed people closely united. given to Soviet officers and there was not a word before, after this conversation a meeting will be In observing Soviet strategic arms on their in the message about the consent of the Cuban organized with the secretaries of the National territory, the people of Cuba sensed an enormous government, that report shocked people. CDR [Committees for the Defense of the Revo- responsibility to the countries of the socialist Cubans were consumed by a sense of disap- lution] leadership in order to discuss all the issues camp. They were conscious that these mighty pointment, confusion and bitterness. In walking in detail. weapons had to be preserved in the interests of the along the street, driving to armed units, I ob- In response Fidel Castro said that the Cuban whole socialist camp. Therefore, regardless of served that people did not understand that deci- leadership was glad to see A.I. Mikoyan in Cuba the fact that USA planes were continuously vio- sion. once again, and to speak with him about ques- lating our air space, we decided to weaken the Why was that decision made unilaterally, tions that are important for both sides. We are anti-aircraft defense of Havana, but at the same why are the missiles being taken away from us? aware, joked Fidel Castro, that N.S. Khrushchev time strengthen the defense of the missile loca- And will all the weapons be taken back? these once said: there is a Cuban in the CC CPSU and tions. Our people proudly sensed their role as a were the questions disturbing all the people. this Cuban is A.I. Mikoyan. We can speak to defender of the socialist countries interests. Anti- In some 48 hours that feeling of bitterness you, Fidel Castro continued, very frankly. We aircraft gunners and the soldiers protecting the and pain spread among all the people. Events profoundly trust the Soviet Union. missile locations were full of enthusiasm, and were rapidly following one another. The offer to Regarding the questions that caused some ready to defend these at the price of their own withdraw weapons from Cuba under the condi- differences, as we explained it to our people, I lives. tion of liquidating bases in Turkey was advanced [Castro] would like to say the following. The tension of the situation was growing, on 27 October. On 28 October there came the These questions are motivated, first of all, and the psychological tension was growing also. order to dismantle the missiles and the consent to by psychological factors. I would like to stress The whole of Cuba was ready for an inspection. 94 COLD WAR INTERNATIONAL HISTORY PROJECT BULLETIN We were very worried by the fact that the tion that the threat of aggression was so critical, the leadership held a meeting. For the question of moral spirit of our people had declined sharply. that there was no time for consultations. Cuba worries us a lot. We felt it necessary to re- That affected their fighting spirit too. At the ... establish mutual trust because trust is the basis of same time the insolent flights of American planes Then for half an hour A.I. Mikoyan dis- everything, the basis of really fraternal relations. into Cuban airspace became more frequent, and cussed the issues about which Fidel Castro had We understood that no correspondence can suf- we were asked not to open fire on them. All of talked, but these explanations were interrupted by fice to explain completely the misunderstanding this generated a strong demoralizing influence. an incoming report about the death of Mikoyan s of those days. Therefore the CC CPSU decided The feeling of disappointment, pain and bitter- wife. The transcript of this part of the conversa- to send me to Cuba in order to explain to our ness that enveloped people could have been used tion will be transmitted with the notes of the next friends the Soviet position and to inform them on by counter-revolutionaries to instigate anti-so- conversation. other subjects that may be of interest to them. We viet elements. Enemies could have profitted know, - Mikoyan continued, - that if we explain
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